Fun Memories are what your child’s memory bank needs

Fun Memories are what your child’s memory bank needs.

We make infinite deposits in our children’s memory banks everyday knowingly and unknowingly.

It’s crucial that we consciously think about what memories are we leaving our children with.

Would our children remember us as a kind, fun, fair and a hard-working parent?
Would our children remember how well we treated others or probably how passionately we worked towards goals?
Would our children have a smile when they picture our face? A worked out face? A frown?


Fun memories

Would our children remember how secure and safe they felt their house? Would they remember us as a slob or a hard working person?

Would they remember eating junk food everyday or our great home cooked meals?

How would they recall our relationship with their dad/mom? How much of it do you think they would emulate?
Would that be a great thing?Fun memories

Would your children look back and think to themselves, ” My parents always had my back” or ” My parents really took care of me“.

All these questions boil down to this:

Children always watch their parents closely, much more than we can ever imagine.
We must ensure that we are remembered as a loving, nurturing, hard-working, fun and a supportive parent.
Negative memories become the breeding ground for anxiety, burdens, bitterness and resentment.

We must at all cost try not to leave our children with such memories.
If you fear that unknowingly you fed your child’s brain with some unhappy memories, please try to make positive and happy memories from today.

The choice is ours. Happy and content parents raise strong and independent kids.

Fun memories

Sometimes it’s tough to erase the negative ones, however if we fill our children’s memory banks with great positive memories then there would be chances that some of the negative ones would be forgotten.

Get on a discovery session With Life Coach Preet and discover new horizons. Reach me on Instagram to book one to one session or a group session.

Much love,
Preetjyot Kaur
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Preetjyot Kaur
Preetjyot Kaur is an Internationally Accredited Life Coach for Kids and a Certified Parenting Coach who strongly believes in breaking the stereotypes. She helps her clients to learn how to fulfil their dreams by helping them train their mind, manage emotions & energy to achieve what they truly desire. For over 6 years she has mentored quite a number of kids and parents to move closer to a better way of living.


  1. Such a great article and completely agree. Those little eyes are watching and listening even when we think they are not.

  2. This is so true! I try as much as possible, even with the pandemic, to bond with my family especially my son and give him the best memories growing up. 🙂 your family looks amazing!

  3. I completely agree with you, children learn and adopt things what their parents and people living around are doing. That’s why, it is important to fill their memories with positive vibes. Great post!

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