Do Parents Who Prioritize Themselves Set a Better Example for Their Kids?

Prioritizing Self-Care as a Parent

There’s this sneaky little myth floating around that says the best parents are the ones who sacrifice everything for their kids. We’ve all heard it: the selfless, sleep-deprived mom or dad who pours everything they have into their children and leaves themselves with, well, nothing. And while that narrative may have been romanticized for generations, let me be the one to say it loud and clear: parents who prioritize themselves are setting a way better example for their kids.

Yeah, you heard me. Taking care of yourself doesn’t make you selfish—it makes you a better parent. Why? Because when you show up for yourself, you’re showing your kids what it means to live a balanced, healthy life. You’re teaching them that they, too, should prioritize their well-being, even when life gets messy.

So, grab your coffee (the hot one this time) and let’s break down why putting yourself first actually puts your kids on the path to greatness.

A parent practicing self-care while spending quality time with their child, showing balance and healthy boundaries.

Why Prioritizing Yourself is a Game-Changer

1. It Models Healthy Boundaries

Let’s be real: kids are watching us more closely than we think. They notice when we say “yes” to everything, even when we’re running on fumes. And if we constantly push ourselves to the brink without setting limits, what are we teaching them? That self-sacrifice is the ultimate virtue? That their own needs come second?

When you prioritize yourself, you’re teaching your kids the value of boundaries. You’re showing them that it’s okay to say “no,” to carve out time for yourself, and to protect your energy. In a world that’s always screaming “more, more, more,” you’re giving them permission to pause and prioritize themselves when they need to.

2. You Teach Them Self-Care is Not Selfish

Let’s flip the script: if you neglect your own needs, you’re actually doing your kids a disservice. Why? Because you’re teaching them that taking care of themselves is somehow selfish. That in order to be a good parent, partner, or friend, they should always put everyone else first.

But when you take time for yourself—whether it’s a 30-minute walk, a quiet cup of tea, or a night out with friends—you’re teaching your kids an incredibly important lesson: self-care isn’t selfish. It’s essential. It’s how we recharge so we can show up fully for the people we love.

3. You Show Them What Balance Looks Like

Life is a balancing act, and as parents, we often walk the tightrope of managing family, work, relationships, and, hopefully, a bit of personal time. But here’s the thing: if you’re constantly tipping the scales in favor of everyone else, you’ll eventually crash. And when you crash, it doesn’t just affect you—it affects your kids too.

When you make space for your own needs, you show your kids what balance looks like in real life. You’re teaching them that yes, responsibilities matter, but so does personal happiness. You’re modeling how to juggle life’s demands without losing yourself in the process. That’s a lesson they’ll carry with them far beyond childhood.

A parent practicing self-care while spending quality time with their child, showing balance and healthy boundaries.

The Myth of the Martyr Parent

It’s time to debunk the myth of the martyr parent—the one who gives up everything for their kids, wears exhaustion like a badge of honor, and sacrifices their own happiness for the family’s sake. While it sounds noble, it’s not sustainable. More importantly, it’s not the example we should be setting for our children.

When kids see their parents constantly exhausted, burned out, or resentful, they internalize that this is what parenting (and adulthood) looks like. And let’s be honest, who wants to model that? Instead of showing them a life filled with joy, passion, and fulfillment, you’re showing them that being an adult means running yourself into the ground. Spoiler alert: that’s not what we want for them.

Prioritizing yourself isn’t about being selfish—it’s about creating a life where both you and your kids thrive. It’s about showing them that you can be a loving parent and still take time for yourself. You can have goals, dreams, and passions outside of parenting, and that’s not just okay—it’s amazing.

How Prioritizing Yourself Benefits Your Kids

1. Happier Parent, Happier Child

Let’s get one thing straight: kids pick up on our energy. When we’re stressed, tired, or burned out, they feel it. When we’re happy, fulfilled, and recharged, they feel that too. By prioritizing your own well-being, you’re not just doing yourself a favor—you’re creating a more joyful, connected home environment for your kids.

When you take time to fill your own cup, you have more to give. You’re more patient, more present, and more engaged in your time with them. Instead of snapping at them out of sheer exhaustion, you’re able to respond with calm, clarity, and love.

2. Teaching Them the Importance of Balance

When kids see their parents practicing self-care, they learn that balance is key. You’re not just telling them to manage their time—you’re showing them. Whether it’s seeing you carve out time for a hobby, a workout, or even just some peace and quiet, they’ll understand that a full life doesn’t mean a life that’s always packed.

Kids need to learn that life is a marathon, not a sprint. They need to see that it’s okay to take a break, say no to things, and make space for themselves. By doing this, you’re helping them build lifelong habits of balance and well-being.

3. You Set Them Up for Healthier Relationships

Think about it: when you model healthy boundaries and self-care, you’re showing your kids what healthy relationships look like. They’ll learn that relationships should be built on mutual respect, where both people’s needs are honored. They’ll see that love and care don’t mean giving up everything—they mean giving from a place of fullness.

This kind of modeling sets them up for healthier friendships, partnerships, and even work dynamics down the road. They’ll know that it’s possible to be caring without being overextended, to give without running on empty.

Self-Care for You is a Lesson for Them

Prioritizing yourself isn’t just about surviving parenthood—it’s about thriving in it. When you take the time to recharge, pursue your passions, and practice self-care, you’re showing your kids what a healthy, happy adult life looks like. You’re giving them permission to do the same for themselves.

So the next time you feel guilty for taking that break or saying “no” to yet another thing, remember this: you’re not just doing it for you. You’re doing it for your kids too. By showing up for yourself, you’re giving them the ultimate gift—an example of a balanced, fulfilled life.

Want to know how to become a parent coach and help others raise empowered, balanced children? Check out Inspire Coach Academy.


Is it selfish for parents to prioritize themselves?
Not at all. Prioritizing yourself sets a great example for your kids, teaching them that self-care and balance are essential for a happy, healthy life.

How does taking care of myself benefit my children?
When you prioritize your own well-being, you’re more present, patient, and engaged with your children. It creates a happier, more balanced home environment for everyone.

How can I balance my needs with my responsibilities as a parent?
Start by carving out small moments of self-care throughout the day. Communicate with your family about your needs, and show your kids that it’s okay to take time for yourself.

What example am I setting if I don’t take care of myself?
When kids see parents neglecting their own needs, they may internalize the belief that self-care is unimportant or selfish. Modeling balance and self-care helps them develop healthier habits.

Can prioritizing myself make me a better parent?
Absolutely! When you take time to recharge, you’re able to show up as a more patient, joyful, and attentive parent, which benefits both you and your kids.

Want to know how to become a parent coach and get recognized worldwide? Check out Inspire Coach Academy.

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Read:  Maternal anxiety – is for Real

Get on a discovery session With Life Coach Preet and discover new horizons. Click here to book one to one session or a group session – Click Here.

Much love,
Preetjyot Kaur

Founder Director Inspire Coach Academy (An Internationally Accredited Life Coach Training School – ACCPH),

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Preetjyot Kaur
Preetjyot Kaur is an Internationally Accredited Life Coach for Kids and a Certified Parenting Coach who strongly believes in breaking the stereotypes. She helps her clients to learn how to fulfil their dreams by helping them train their mind, manage emotions & energy to achieve what they truly desire. For over 6 years she has mentored quite a number of kids and parents to move closer to a better way of living.

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