The Modern Indian Woman is Rocking the world- #9daysofWomanhood

Modern Indian Woman is someone who has broken all the stereotypes and is the one who believes in herself immensely.

There has been a gradual change in the activities of Indian Women. From being a part of a pastoral society to enjoying the contemporary and global society, a woman’s role has changed tremendously. From a typical ‘GRAHINI’ who used to believe in just catering to the household responsibilities to a Woman who is  also working towards the socio-economic and  cultural aspects of the society, Modern Indian woman is ready to Rock it completely.

Here is how A Modern Indian Woman is Rocking the world:

She is Colorful:

I don’t mean that she loves the festival Holi or that she just likes it if her life is colourful. She LOVES the colours that she is blessed with. She ensures that her life is full of colours and strives hard to keep it that way. Be it by the way she dresses up, or by the way she does up her house, or the way she is being an amazing mother for her children. She is out there painting her life with all the possible colours and NO One can stop her from doing so.

modern indian woman

She Loves her Family:

Gone are the days when a woman would have to leave her parent’s home after marriage and never look back. Gone are the days when a daughter was said to only call her Husband’s family,her family. The Modern Indian Woman loves her family as much as she love their husband’s. Today when a man marries a woman in India, he marries her entire family. So when dictated by traditions she gets married, she no longer leaves her family behind. Her family would remain being her life.

She is STRONGER than Men:

By this I don’t mean physically strong (though there are many women out there stronger than men physically. Not that I have tried this on any man, But I’m learning professional Boxing and I know for sure I could kick some A** and so could any other woman do if hit at the wrong place). The Modern Indian Woman has spent almost everyday fighting against our wonderful Male Chauvinistic Society. She has won her own battles. She is forced to fight her battle the moment she is out of her house – she fights those insane eve teasers, those creepy people in public transport she travels in, those funny men who actually feel that she is a crazy driver just because she is a woman and cracks jokes at her. Well a BIG THANK YOU to all of these creeps for making the Modern Indian Woman emerge STRONGER and BRAVER than you. And a big thank you to the men who are in it with us. These are the men who don’t worry if we stand besides them or above them.

modern indian woman

She is Independent:

If you compare the Modern Indian woman to the women 30 years ago (well with some exceptions ofcourse), she is more educated, well Read and really well traveled. She is no longer Submissive Indian Woman who’s sole duty has been to stay home and clean, cook and look after the kids. She is capable of doing all this and much more which is way beyond the Society’s imagination. So Dear SOCIETY- hang in there for some more surprises from this Rockstar.

modern indian woman

She is really Busy Building her career:

The modern Indian woman has the courage to step out and make her career. She is capable of running the house too. She is capable of managing her house and career so well that it could freak out every man watching her and wondering ‘ How on earth does she do all that’. So my dear Modern Indian Man, she is there right besides you, not even trying too hard in fact.

modern indian woman

So a huge salute to all Women who are rocking it in their own unique style.

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Much love,
Preetjyot Kaur
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