MY COOL MOMMY UNIFORM | my mommy style that rocks


I spent almost 6 years in the aviation industry, and wore beautiful uniforms with amazing footwear and makeup which was more than perfect.

Prior to that when I was in college, I had to wear uniform too (special thanks to the kind of graduation subject I chose: Hotel Management).
Somehow I feel I always was in love with the concept of uniforms.

Little did I know that the uniform I was going to wear for the life after being a mother would happen to be my favorite (please note that this is my uniform at home, I do try to get dressed up when I step out if the house) .

From the past 5 years, I’ve been sporting a very different uniformed look?…

The look which is so different that it’s probably shocking for the people who know me from the time before I became a mommy. My current look is completely different from my crisp professional pre- mommy look.
It’s a normal phenomenon for people to come up to me and ask why I always wore the same clothes.


I’ve not been wearing the same clothes everyday.
The fact is that I just wear variations of the same comfortable thing, which I call my ‘ uniform‘. ??

To a NON-MOMMY person, my look might sound like a clumsily thrown out look.

But the truth is somehow different!!

The most important FACTORS of my cool uniform are right here:

1. My soft comfy shorts: My whole day revolves around running behind my naughty daughters and catering to their needs, running up and down picking up and dropping my girl to the school. I feel it’s unnecessary to restrict myself to wear wonderful clothes. My super comfy shorts have all the possible support to make my life airy?.

2. My hair that is getting shorter day by day: My hair has been out of control ever since I became a mom. More because I never had an opportunity to look at the mirror even once a day. I always ended up as if I had put my hair in front of a blower after wearing loads of gel, by the end of the day. My most beautiful hairdo used to be a bun with my poky hair flying all over my head (which is a look that most hair stylist do for ladies as a party wear hairdo- and well!! This was the look For which most women pay a bomb).

Isn’t this reassuring?.Now that I have two beautiful babies I don’t even have time to make this bun, so ended up getting my hair chopped and got the most loved messy Wet hair look.Thanks to my new hairstylist, who gave me a wonderful haircut that won’t require any effort for it to look amazing.

3. My all purpose footwear: I wear my animal print footwear most of the times. And when going out with friends or family I prefer wearing my all purpose comfy pumps.

The best part is that, the moment I find a comfortable pump I end up buying almost 10 colours of the same footwear?.

4. My uniform Accessories: I can’t go a day without my accessories, and trust me I’m addicted to mine.
My accessories include: my OVERSIZED SUNGLASSES ( which always hide my sleepless droopy eyes?, and also hide my beautiful black dark circles), JUMBO SIZE COFFEE MUG (to satisfy my daily dose of caffeine, which equals the dose that a normal human being has in a month?), and MY TABLET or MOBILE PHONE ( which is a part of my body, not literally though). I can’t do a second without this particular accessory, more because I use them to write for my blog which is more like a mediation for me).

5. My emergency JEGGINGS: These you will always find hanging behind my door. I call these my emergency uniform gear, just incase I have a surprise visitor in my house whom I wouldn’t want to show the more clumsy (mommy) side of me?.

I totally agree that this look is different than my pre- mommy look.
But, I feel what else would one expect from a woman who has a 24/7 job.

The fact is that I love this over exerting job of mine and I totally love my uniform.

Do you wear a similar look like mine?
Please leave me a comment as to what is it that you do differently. I would love to know.

P.S. : I do respect all moms who despite of all odds manage to dress up and look good. More because I feel happy for the fact that they manage to do things for themselves too.

This post is part of a blog train started by Pooja Kawatra of Mums & Babies and she has networked to bring together 41 moms across the globe. Meet all 41 moms here. Pooja has also shared her own views on motherhood on her blog.

I wanna thank my dear Friend and an awesomely quirky blogger Prisha  from for introducing me. Next in line is Veena, a fellow blogger from  and follow her for some great parenting insights and  tips.


You may also want to read : Why You Need A Mobile App For Your WordPress Blog

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Much love,
Preetjyot Kaur
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