My girl loves her morning routine.. Click to know what is it that we do differently!!!

morning routineMy girl loves her morning routine..
Read on to know what is it that we do differently!!!

Does your child always act difficult early in the morning when you are trying to get him ready for his school?

Do morning chores give you a headache?

Do you end up giving up on your patience after your child wakes up?

Morning routineIf yes!! This one goes out for you Mommy!!!

Read on to bring this revolutionary change in your life!!!

Trust me!! I have had some really bad mornings trying to get my girl ready for her school. And this big change that you will read about below has made my life super easy.

As a family, we never believed in having set routines for various things ( this is just because we felt routines make life boring. We believed in doing things differently everyday!!).

But since my girl started with her school last year, we were urged to have a routine, since the mornings were becoming really stressful for us as parents and our little girl, who was used to having a Nice slow morning.

During the time when I used to work, there were times I would have to get up at 3a.m. and get ready for a flight. It used to get too stressful on certain times. So I made a small change in my routine for such early morning flights. I used to turn on the television and used to put on a nice music channel, and would sing my way to getting ready for work. Music used to pump me up.

Music for kids

One morning wondering how to make my life easy, I happened to remember this above habit that made my work life easy. It was that time when I had to bring that habit back in life.

So we decided to make our girl’s mornings happening.
Music creates a different kind of positive energy!! Isn’t it??
It can make life so much more happy, energetic and simply more productive.
So, we chose our girl’s favourite rhymes and started playing them on our phone each morning, (since my girl doesn’t know any filmy music, merely because I didn’t want her to listen to so many meaningless songs being made these days).

Our music filled house created a happy us.?Morning routineThe reason for using music in our morning chores was not just to make our girl happy, but to make the morning chores like making bed, brushing teeth, bathing and having breakfast, more energetic and productive.

We began with just a simple rule in the beginning: One core was to be finished during one song, and in case she would finish the core before the music would get over, she would get to do whatever she wanted to, before her song would get over.
And it became pretty easy.
I would suggest you to start with a quite song, since waking up should preferably be calm. I’m sure we wouldn’t want our child to get up with a sudden jump.
Always pick up positive and motivational songs.
It would be great if you could lead by example, sing along your child and dance a little while doing stuff early in the morning.

Say goodbye to early morning yelling and nagging!!!
And say Hi to a fun start of your day!!!
This new change will eliminate yelling, constant reminding, asking, nagging…

What’s your morning routine? Please share with us…

Get on a discovery session With Life Coach Preet and discover new horizons. Reach me on Instagram to book one to one session or a group session.

Much love,
Preetjyot Kaur
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Preetjyot Kaur
Preetjyot Kaur is an Internationally Accredited Life Coach for Kids and a Certified Parenting Coach who strongly believes in breaking the stereotypes. She helps her clients to learn how to fulfil their dreams by helping them train their mind, manage emotions & energy to achieve what they truly desire. For over 6 years she has mentored quite a number of kids and parents to move closer to a better way of living.


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